Elegant Boating “Starlight Night Tour” Victoria Harbour Western Yacht Sightseeing Ticket 1 Elegant Boating “Starlight Night Tour” Victoria Harbour Western Yacht Sightseeing Ticket 2 Elegant Boating “Starlight Night Tour” Victoria Harbour Western Yacht Sightseeing Ticket 3 Elegant Boating “Starlight Night Tour” Victoria Harbour Western Yacht Sightseeing Ticket 4 Elegant Boating “Starlight Night Tour” Victoria Harbour Western Yacht Sightseeing Ticket 5 Elegant Boating “Starlight Night Tour” Victoria Harbour Western Yacht Sightseeing Ticket 6 Elegant Boating “Starlight Night Tour” Victoria Harbour Western Yacht Sightseeing Ticket 7 Elegant Boating “Starlight Night Tour” Victoria Harbour Western Yacht Sightseeing Ticket 8 Elegant Boating “Starlight Night Tour” Victoria Harbour Western Yacht Sightseeing Ticket 9

“Starlight Night Tour” Victoria Harbour Western Yacht Sightseeing Ticket

  • 1 reviews
  • instant Instant Booking Instant Confirm
  • Earliest Available Date: 2025-03-27

Booking Info

💰Exclusive Offer Prices:

Sunset Beauty
 (Departs at 18:40)

  • Adult: $130 per person
  • Child (4-12 years): $100 per person

Symphony of Lights (Departs at 19:40)

  • Adult: $190 per person
  • Child (4-12 years): $130 per person

Brilliant Victoria Harbour (Departs at 20:40)

  • Adult: $150 per person
  • Child (4-12 years): $110 per person

Enjoy the Moment (Departs at 21:40)

  • Adult: $130 per person
  • Child (4-12 years): $100 per person
  • 不設取消、退款及更改服務細項,例如上船碼頭、人數及日期等等。
  • 請提早10-15分鐘到達登記,及致電船隻聯絡人。遲到不候。
  • 請不要帶任何貴重財物。任何乘客攜來之財物,應自行負責其本身之安全保障,於出租船上發生任何損傷或失竊,本公司恕不負責,但可代安排報警處理。
  • 租船期間,如設施遭到任何損壞,租用人須負責支付修理費用;如有任何設備、器具、裝置或其他財物遭到損壞或損毀(正常損耗除外)、偷竊或被移走,租用人亦須支付修理、修復或重新購置有關物品的費用。
  • 除以下特別情況, 所有「星光夜遊航班」 將如常出發:1)於出發前 1小時 仍然懸掛 「3號 或以上台風信號」或 「黑色暴雨信號」;2)香港天文台預報於未來 2小時 內將懸掛「3號 或以上台風信號」或「黑色暴雨信號」。如遇上熱帶氣旋警告信號 (3號熱帶氣旋或8號熱帶氣旋警告信號)和特別天氣狀況 (黑色暴雨警告),景區將會停止營運航班。
  • 維多利亞海港為內港,儘管風浪顛簸較少,但不能保證每位遊客都不會出現暈船現象,請容易暈船的遊客在上 船前1小時先服暈船葯。上船後發生不適,可求助船上工作人員。
  • 因公眾碼頭衹能臨時停靠,故本產品船衹登船時間較短,請務必準時抵達碼頭按時登船,逾時不候。提前抵達的客人請不用着急,船會準時準時停靠碼頭,請耐心等候。
  • 由於晚上乘船可能會有點涼,建議您準備一件外套。
  • 温馨提示:建議您出發前查詢好集合地點的地圖路線以免影響出行。短訊中的電話號碼僅供諮詢聯繫(因無法接通導致未登船不接受退款或投訴),如因客人遲到導致無法出行,費用一律不可退,敬請諒解。
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Book the “Starlight Night Tour” Victoria Harbour Western Yacht Sightseeing Ticket:

You can enjoy free entry to Zeus Club in Lan Kwai Fong and a complimentary drink on the same night!

If book an evening yacht charter,
you will get free entry plus a bottle of Belvedere vodka with mixer!

Zeus Club is one of the most exciting nightclubs in Lan Kwai Fong, featuring cutting-edge 3D visual effects and frequent DJ performances. This trendy bar attracts many young and beautiful people.

🕤 Zeus Club Opening Hours (Closed Sunday to Tuesday)
- Wednesday to Thursday: 11pm-3am
- Friday to Saturday: 11pm-4am

📍 Address: 22/F, California Tower, 30-32 D’Aguilar Street, Central, Hong Kong


🎉Experience Victoria Harbour, One of the World’s Top Three Night Views

Yacht Details:

The yacht is approximately 81 feet long and can accommodate up to 55 guests. The top deck offers a 360-degree panoramic view with four seating areas, each accommodating 6-8 people. The bow deck provides comfortable star-gazing sofas for 8-10 people, perfect for photo opportunities. The luxuriously decorated interior lounge is air-conditioned for guests to enjoy drinks and cool off. The yacht also includes two separate restrooms.
Complimentary drinks, snacks, and beer are provided on board.

Route Plan: 
The tour passes by several famous Hong Kong landmarks and takes approximately 45 minutes.

Tsim Sha Tsui Pier No.3 >> K11 MUSEA >> Avenue of Stars >> Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade >> Hong Kong Coliseum >> East Coast Park Precinct >> Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter >> Wan Chai Ferry Pier >> Central Plaza >> Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre >> International Finance Centre >> Central Ferris Wheel >> Tsim Sha Tsui Pier No.3


💰Exclusive Offer Prices:

Sunset Beauty
 (Departs at 18:40)

  • Adult: $130 per person
  • Child (4-12 years): $100 per person

Symphony of Lights (Departs at 19:40)

  • Adult: $190 per person
  • Child (4-12 years): $130 per person

Brilliant Victoria Harbour (Departs at 20:40)

  • Adult: $150 per person
  • Child (4-12 years): $110 per person

Enjoy the Moment (Departs at 21:40)

  • Adult: $130 per person
  • Child (4-12 years): $100 per person

*Children aged 0-3 are free of charge.
*Prices do not apply on May 1st and June 15th for the 19:40 time slot.

Boarding and Disembarking Pier:
 Kowloon Tsim Sha Tsui Public Pier No.3

*Please arrive 10-15 minutes early for registration. Late arrivals will not be accommodated, and no refunds will be provided.

Yacht Type: Western Yacht (or similar, please refer to photos)

📌 Booking Instructions:

Select the date > Choose the time > Enter the total number of people > Specify the number of adults and children
