Cheung Chau Sai Yuen Camping - Camping Areas、Glamping Experience、Adventure Activities Sapa Teepee (4pax) 1 Cheung Chau Sai Yuen Camping - Camping Areas、Glamping Experience、Adventure Activities Sapa Teepee (4pax) 2 Cheung Chau Sai Yuen Camping - Camping Areas、Glamping Experience、Adventure Activities Sapa Teepee (4pax) 3 Cheung Chau Sai Yuen Camping - Camping Areas、Glamping Experience、Adventure Activities Sapa Teepee (4pax) 4 Cheung Chau Sai Yuen Camping - Camping Areas、Glamping Experience、Adventure Activities Sapa Teepee (4pax) 5 Cheung Chau Sai Yuen Camping - Camping Areas、Glamping Experience、Adventure Activities Sapa Teepee (4pax) 6 Cheung Chau Sai Yuen Camping - Camping Areas、Glamping Experience、Adventure Activities Sapa Teepee (4pax) 7 Cheung Chau Sai Yuen Camping - Camping Areas、Glamping Experience、Adventure Activities Sapa Teepee (4pax) 8 Cheung Chau Sai Yuen Camping - Camping Areas、Glamping Experience、Adventure Activities Sapa Teepee (4pax) 9

Sapa Teepee (4pax)

Booking Info


🏕️Sapa Teepee Price: 

Sun to Thur :HKD 1,900 -
Fri & Sat & Public Holiday:HKD 2,600 -
Special Date : HKD 2,800 -

Terms & Conditions

    • Once the reservation is confirmed, all changes or cancellation of reservation will be arranged according to the cancellation policies and bad weather policies. Please pay attention to these policies. 
    • The latest check-in time is 7:00 pm, and the earliest check-out time is 9:30 am. 
      Late check-in (after 7:00 pm) & early check-out (before 9:30 am) must be arranged in advance. Failure to do so may result in the forfeiture of your reservation or damage and cleaning deposit without refund or compensation.
    • Early check-in or late check-out is subject to tent availability, to be confirmed with Reservation or Front Desk staff. Additional fee based on rental rates and range from HK$500 per hour or portion thereof is applicable.
    • Upon check-in, guests need to pay a $500 deposit per tent (cash only). 
    • To make a reservation, guests must be aged 18 or above. Upon check-in, guests will be required to present a valid government-issued photo ID. Failure to present acceptable ID may result in the forfeiture of your reservation without refund or compensation.
    • Some attractions have specific restrictions of entry. Parents and guardians are responsible for the safe custody or care of their children while at the campsite. They should consider the age, height, maturity, strength, weight, or other attributes of people under their care when choosing a particular activity. Children under the age of 16 may not enter without a parent or guardian. Adult supervision is required at all times when under the age of 16.
    • Damage & Cleaning Deposit:
      Guests are responsible for all the members of their attending party and are liable for any damages caused. These include, but are not limited to missing or damaged furniture, fixtures, lights, camping facilities, equipment, decorations, lawns, ponds, plants, trees, or fencing. These also include any necessary replacements, removal and/or custodial cleaning fee, as well as any costs for repairs and materials. Guests are required to provide a refundable cash damage deposit upon check-in. The full deposit amount less damage and cleaning charges if any will be refunded once the property has been inspected for any potential damage during check-out.

      Security check
      All persons, bags, parcels and other items may be subject to security checks at the point of admission to the campsite and at such other locations inside Saiyuen as considered appropriate. The Management reserves the right to refuse any bag, parcel, or other items to be brought into the campsite.

      The following items can not be brought into the campsite:

      a. Dangerous, hazardous or any illegal substance.
      b. Any setting-up materials of chemical or flammable nature.
      c. Recreational devices with wheels, including but not limited to skateboards, scooters, inline skates, shoes with built-in wheels and tricycles. (except strollers, wheelchairs and bicycle).
      d. Pets – No person shall cause or suffer any dog or other pet animal belonging to him, or in his charge, to enter or remain in Saiyuen (except a guide dog for the blind).
      e. Weapons of any kind, or objects that may give the appearance or impression of being weapons or toy guns.
      f. Glass containers (excluding baby food jars and perfume containers).

      The following activities are not allowed:
      a. The sale of goods or services or the display of goods or services for sale.
      b. The distribution or posting of printed materials of any kind in Saiyuen without written permission of the Management.
      c. Carving or graffiti.
      d. Unauthorized events, demonstrations or speeches and other unauthorized public gatherings.
      e. The display of any flag, banner or other emblems.
      f. Photography, videotaping, recording of any kind except for personal use.
      g. Willfully or negligently throw, discharge, or shoot any missile, gun, air-gun, bow and arrow, catapult, or other devices.
      h. Flying of model aircraft or other devices.
      i. Feeding any animals in Saiyuen, including aquatic life, goats (except using feeds provided by Saiyuen) and birds
      j. Private bonfire, candle, incense, fireworks and open flame.
      k. Erect any post, rail, fence, pole, tent, booth, stand, building or other structure, or bring or allow remaining any materials for such a building or structure, without prior approval from the Management.
      l. Any unauthorized tent and camp out without the permission of the Management.
      m. Holding any event organized for the purpose of raising funds, whether for charity or otherwise without the authority granted by the Management.
      n. Gamble.
      o. Any illegal, immoral or improper conduct.

      Photography, videotaping, or recording
      a. Photography, videotaping and recording of any kind for broadcast or transmission for commercial purposes are forbidden without prior written permission of Farm Management.
      b. Media activities in Saiyuen require prior approval.
      c. The Management may photograph, film, videotape, record or otherwise reproduce the image and/or voice of any person who enters Saiyuen and use the same for any purpose without payment to any person.

Cancellation Policy

Level 5

Reschedule booking
• Reschedule booking is not allowed

Cancel booking
• Reservations are NON-REFUNDABLE.

If any dispute arises, Holimood reserves the final decision. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Bad Weather Policy

1) In the event of a Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 1/No.3 or yellow/red/black rainstorm warning being issued on the day of arrival, the reservation will remain effective as usual. 2) In the event of Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 or above being issued, the arrangement will be as follow: a) if the Observatory announces that the above signals will be hoisted within 2 hours, bookings will be rescheduled to another date of the same price. Guests must decide and confirm the date within 7 days. b) if the above signals are removed before 7am, all bookings will proceed as scheduled. c) if the Observatory announces that the above signals will be hoisted within 2 hours (applicable to guests who had already checked-in), the campsite will be closed. All guests will be asked to leave due to safety concerns. All paid fees are non-refundable. Applicable customers can request for a reschedule within 7 days. The rescheduled date must be within 60 days after the original booking. Customers who fail to confirm a reschedule date within 7 days will be considered as forfeiting their reschedule right. Should there be any dispute, Holimood will retain the right of final decision.

Level 5

Reschedule booking
• Reschedule booking is not allowed

Cancel booking
• Reservations are NON-REFUNDABLE.

If any dispute arises, Holimood reserves the final decision. If you have any questions

Please input date


Region: Cheung Chau - Sai Wan
Service Type: Camping
Size: 200 sqft
Service Time (From): 15:00
Service Time (To): 11:30



** 請客人於入營當日跟營地查詢享用優惠流程 ** 

** 活動時間以場地安排為準,詳細資訊可以預訂套票後向營地職員查詢 **


  • 營地位於長洲西南角,園内十一英畝土地劃分六個主題營區。營地提供一個獨特的戶外自然生態體驗,可近距離觀賞或接觸各種類生物。園內的花、草、樹、木、蝴蝶、蜜蜂、爬蟲等都是大自然的一份子。
  • 印第安營區內有多個不同圖案的印第安營具,均為人手繪畫,精巧獨特,富原着民族色彩
  • 圖案上端描繪天(父),下端表達地(母),生物活於其中
  • 緊貼時尚露營的步伐,配備冷暖空調及電源插座,讓營友充份享受露營假期的每一刻
  • 營地入場門票 X4
  • 雙人床 X2
  • 冷熱水淋浴及獨立衛生間
  • 冷暖空調設備
  • 天花吊扇燈
  • USB充電口
  • 13A 插座
  • 營門掛鎖
  • 時尚露營設備




  • 商店出售有零食及飲品;開放時間 9:30am – 6:00pm
  • 24小時冷熱水浴室
  • 洗手間
  • 24小時飲用冷熱水供應



玩樂設施及歷奇體驗  ( 請自行與服務供應商聯絡查詢及預訂 ) 

  • 營內有不同玩樂設施及歷奇體驗適合不同年紀的人士參加,例如沿繩垂降體驗等等。
  • 活動時間及年齡/身高要求詳情按此,如欲多加了解,可於前台工作人員查詢。


  • 座地式燒烤爐 (約12人使用) 連兩包炭 + HKD 300
  • 桌上燒烤爐 (約3-5人使用) 連一包炭 + HKD 120
  • 所有燒烤爐租借已包炭,熟食碟,點火用具,燒烤網及夾,請自備餐具,但食物需要自備。
  • 另外營地亦歡迎自備爐具及食物:野外煮食套裝 (爐頭X1、煲X1、燃料X1) (+HKD 150.00) ,但必須聽從職員指示在合適的地方煮食。


🛥️中環 5 號碼頭乘船往長洲 (快速船航程約 35 分鐘,普通渡輪航程約 1 小時)

1. 步行 從長洲碼頭往右邊走向長洲街市。接著沿海傍‘長洲西堤路’往西灣方
向走至盡頭,看到‘快樂士多’左轉上‘贊端路’。於斜路頂端看到西園的大紅色趟籠門便到。全程步行約 20 至 25 分鐘。

2. 單車 可於長洲碼頭附近找單車租用店租用單車前往西園。西園場內提供有限收費單車泊位(三輪車除外)。

3. 🛥️街渡 從長洲碼頭右旁之公眾碼頭(白色陽篷下),乘坐「華勝街渡」至‘西灣碼頭∕張保仔洞’(船行約 10 分鐘),由西灣碼頭左接‘贊端路’途經‘大牌坊及‘美經援村’,上斜路見西園的大紅色趟籠門便到。行程約 4 分鐘。



Air conditioner (Warm & Cool)
Ceiling fan with lamp
Private shower & toilet cubical
USB charging station
50L Cooling Box (with ice) (+HK$100)
Outdoor Cook Set (1 stove, 1 pot, 1 fuel) (+HK$150)
Standing BBQ Stove (for around 12 pax) with 2 packs of charcoal (+HK$300)
Table Top BBQ Stove (for 3-5 pax) with 1 pack of charcoal (+HK$120)


Exact location provided after booking


Food & Drinks Delivery Promotion

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HK$1999 up
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