AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 1 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 2 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 3 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 4 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 5 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 6 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 7 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 8 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 9 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 10 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 11 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 12 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 13 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 14 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 15 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 16 AutoCamper 【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax) 17

【Japanese Vintage Camping Style】 Ogawa Glazed Window Khaki Tent Package (2 pax)

Dating Ideas
Car Park
Cooking Utenstils

Booking Info

Deposit: $500 (Please pay at the venue)
🏕️Package Includes

Ogawa Type 52R khaki tent X 1
  • Canopy X 1
  • Camping bed X 2
  • Bedding X 2
  • Camping lamp x 1
  • Camping table X 1
  • Camping chair X 2
  • Barbecue grill X 1
  • Cooking utensils X 1
  • Basic tableware (chopsticks, cups) X 2
  • Seasoning X 1
  • Water bottle X 1
  • Garbage bag X 1
  • Lighter X 1
  • Mobile power X 1
  • Camping refrigerator X 1
  • 600 feet campsite X 1
  • Parking space in campsiteX 1 
  • Camping Fee
  • Portable Air Conditioner X 1 **
*Cooking utensils include barbecue grill/ camping portable gas stove (Choose 1 from 2) pot + wok + stove top and camping kettle
*Charcoal is not included
**Because of the limited space, the portable air conditioner will not be provided for four-person accommodation

🏕️Pacakge Price
Sunday - Thursday: HKD 2,500 (per night)

Friday, Saturday & public holidays & eve of public holidays : HKD 2,500 (per night)
Special Day : HKD 3000 (per night) (available on 24-26, 31 December & 1 January & 22 - 24 January) 

*Flat rate for both adults and children
*For more than 2 pax: HKD 500 (per pax/per night) ,maximum 1 additional participants
*Additional participants shall bring their own camping equipment
*Only 2 pax can use the package and camping equipment, there will be no additional supplies and equipment
*The service provider will arrange the camping site according to the situation on the day and any special requirements will be decided by the service provider, the final decision will be made by the service provider.

*Summer Day Promotion from June to August:
Monday to Sunday and public holidays fee -> HKD 1,580


  • 農莊為私人地方,門口有大閘,需預約方可進入,非公眾場所。
  • 農莊為戶外地方,地方寬敞且有人數上限限制,不會發生群眾聚集。
  • 農莊僅為入場人士提供一個感受大自然及/或體驗農耕生活的環境,請在自己空間內保持寧靜,謝絕喧嘩及任何社交或娛樂活動。農莊內種植有不同樹木、蔬果(視乎季節)及鮮花盆栽,亦有格仔田及農具可供使用,參與收割或種植需先向當值職員/農夫查詢,在農夫指導下進行。
  • 入場人士有足夠空間的位置,不得走入他人獲分配的範圍。
  • 除進食外,必須全程戴上口罩。
  • 農莊設施會定期清潔及消毒。
  • 農莊內沒有飲食供應。
  • 入場人士須保持衛生,垃圾包好自己帶走。
  • 入場入士須自行判斷及承擔風險。
  • 申請入場人士明白農莊防疫政策因應政府政策不時修改更新,提交申請即同意遵守農莊不時更新之防疫政策。


• 必須保持營地內清潔, 在場內嚴禁吸煙 ,不得砍伐及採摘花草樹木,參加者有責任帶走在逗留期間所製造的垃圾。
• 入營時間為下午 3時正至6時正。
• 出營時間為上午8時至中午 12 時前。
• 各參加者應在晚上 10 時後應停止一切發出擾人聲浪之活動。
• 晚上8點後所有車輛將停止出入農莊,保持寧靜,以免騷擾他人。
•為保障草地質素及狀態, 下雨後或草地過濕時, 服務供應商有權安排客人汽車停泊在特定位置, 而不上草地。
• 本營地當採取一切安全措施以確保參加者之安全。惟遇任何意外事件,概由申請團體/參加者自行負責。
• 嚴禁在營地內吸煙 、賭博、醉酒鬧事或任何違反本港法律的行為。參加者不得在營地範圍內在草地上直接生火,如有損爛即被罰款。
• 未經許可,不得張貼海報單張和擅自使用營地電源及請珍惜食水,愛護公物。
• 參加者須自行保管個人物品,如有遺失,概由申請團體/參加者自行負責。
• 透過預訂所收集的申請人聯絡資料及活動中的聲音及影像 (如照片、錄音、錄影) 將用作營地宣傳之用。
• 倘有違反本營地規則或其他不法或越軌之行為時,我們有權隨時終止其營期,所繳費用,概不發還。


更改預訂 •訂單一經確定,不可減少已選之附加服務及訂單人數。 •在所選的活動日期最少14個工作日前收取所付的總金額50%可獲更改日期一次 取消預訂 •不可取消及退款 若客戶符合以上的條件並確定需要更改或取消服務體驗日期,訂單登記人必須於指定日期的辦公時間內,以書面的形式Whatsapp通知Holimood以作安排。 當客戶獲得批准更改或取消Holimood將會向客人收取HKD 100手續費,所有變更將會以電郵作準,逾期通知者將視為如期出發。 如有任何爭議,Holimood將保留最終決定權。




•免費更改體驗服務日期一次, 客戶需於原定日期90天內使用並須預約,逾期未有預約者當放棄論。



更改預訂 •訂單一經確定,不可減少已選之附加服務及訂單人數。 •在所選的活動日期最少14個工作日前收取所付的總金額50%可獲更改日期一次 取消預訂 •不可取消及退款 若客戶符合以上的條件並確定需要更改或取消服務體驗日期,訂單登記人必須於指定日期的辦公時間內,以書面的形式Whatsapp通知Holimood以作安排。 當客戶獲得批准更改或取消Holimood將會向客人收取HKD 100手續費,所有變更將會以電郵作準,逾期通知者將視為如期出發。 如有任何爭議,Holimoo

Please input date


Service Type: Camping
Service Time (From): 15:00
Service Time (To): 11:00


  • The campground is close to a number of Hong Kong's special natural attractions and hiking trails, including Luk Keng, Nam Chung, Bride's Pool and Cheung Shan Monastery
The campground is equipped with adequate clean bathing facilities and hot and cold water supply
🌳The camp owner has planted Taiwanese stout camphor tree to surround the camp, enjoy the unique fragrance when you walk out the tent in the morning

🌳The camp is located at the foot of Saffron Ridge, the future 25th country park in Hong Kong, where you can walk through the valley before entering the camp.

🌳Free Facilities 

  • Shared toilets and hot showers

🌳Hot and cold water supply showers are cleaned regularly by resident staff

🏕️Package Includes

Ogawa Type 52R khaki tent X 1
  • Canopy X 1
  • Camping bed X 2
  • Bedding X 2
  • Camping table X 1
  • Camping chair X 2
  • Barbecue grill X 1
  • Cooking utensils X 1
  • Basic tableware (chopsticks, cups) X 2
  • Seasoning X 1
  • Water bottle X 1
  • Garbage bag X 1
  • Lighter X 1
  • Mobile power X 1
  • Camping refrigerator X 1
  • 600 feet campsite X 1
  • Parking space in campsiteX 1 
  • Camping Fee
  • Portable Air Conditioner X 1 **
*Cooking utensils include barbecue grill/ camping portable gas stove (Choose 1 from 2) pot + wok + stove top and camping kettle
*Charcoal is not included
**Because of the limited space, the portable air conditioner will not be provided for four-person accommodation

🌳Ogawa was founded in 1914 in Tokyo, Japan, with specialized in tents/canvas/backpacks 

🌳With a history of over 100 years, Ogawa has combined the tradition with its unique design style

🌳The camping expereince in Ogawa Type 52R tent integrates fashion and aesthetics lifestyle into camping

🌳Japanese styled luxury tent and canopy will be the highlight in the camp

🌳All-inclusive mattress and bedding for two

🌳All sorts of seasonings are available for you to enjoy your food during camping

🏕️Pacakge Price
Sunday - Thursday: HKD 2,500 (per night)
Friday, Saturday & public holidays & eve of public holidays : HKD 2,500 (per night)
Special Day : HKD 3000 (per night) (available on 24-26, 31 December & 1 January & 22 - 24 January) 

*Flat rate for both adults and children
*For more than 2 pax: HKD 500 (per pax/per night) ,maximum 1 additional participants
*Additional participants shall bring their own camping equipment
*Only 2 pax can use the package and camping equipment, there will be no additional supplies and equipment
*The service provider will arrange the camping site according to the situation on the day and any special requirements will be decided by the service provider, the final decision will be made by the service provider.
*No Pet Allowed


Does the camp have shared refrigerators? (Auto-translated by Google)
The tent package already includes a camping refrigerator (refer to the picture). The camp also provides eco-friendly ice for guests to borrow. (Auto-translated by Google)
If 3 people stay and pay for the extra person, will the bed be provided? (Auto-translated by Google)
Beds, stools and tableware for 3 people will be provided. The package is only for 2 people and the number of camping equipment. Guests need to bring other camping equipment by themselves. (Auto-translated by Google)


Exact location provided after booking


Food & Drinks Delivery Promotion

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