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  • New
  • Confirm In 24 Hours
  • Earliest Available Date: 2024-10-26

Booking Info

Baseline almost reached
Baseline reached
- 石澗中沿繩下降、滑水、飛索的體驗
- 專業教練費用
- 頭盔, 安全帶, 助浮衣

本人自願參加是次課程/活動,並明白部份訓練項目帶有危險性,如參加時受傷或遭遇意外,安排課程之人士將不會負上任何責任。本人知悉及明白參與 FUNPEAK ADVENTURE 任何課程/活動會涉及許多風險危機及危險,而且程度上可能較本人日常所遇到的更大或性質有所不同。


FUNPEAK ADVENTURE  提出的任何及一切索償,法律行動,追討費用,追討支出及要求。


FUNPEAK ADVENTURE   在以下情況下(但不限於)均不須承擔責任: 任何個人損失或傷害; 任何直接或間接所導致的損失(不論人身傷亡或財物損失)。本人應自行負責攜來之財物的安全,如於活動前後或中途發生任何損傷或失竊,

FUNPEAK ADVENTURE  或任何相關教練或工作人員恕不負責。



FUNPEAK ADVENTURE  不設任何原因之退款。未能成團之活動將會安排改期,如因惡劣天氣或其他不可抗力因素而取消的活動同樣會作延期處理,但所有情況下均不設退款。


FUNPEAK ADVENTURE 在行程/課程中有拍照或錄像拍攝作記錄及宣傳用途以不同的形式發佈,並且不收取任何酬勞,並不需要本人另外同意下而可使用本人的個人資料、肖像、姓名及聲線作為籌辦及推廣活動之用,包括本人肖像及姓名有可能被使用於主辦單位有關活動之網頁、短片及宣傳刊物。任何活動之影片、影像及記錄,主辦單位均有絕對使用權。




I understand that the class/activity involves physical activity. To the best of my knowledge and belief, there is no health or other reason that makes me unfit to participate in this training and accept the assessment/activity. I am in good health and do not have any pre-existing health or psychological problems or allergies.

I voluntarily participate in this course/activity, and I understand that some training items are dangerous. If you are injured or encounter an accident while participating, the person who arranged the course will not be held responsible. I know and understand that participation in any 

FUNPEAK ADVENTURE  course/activity involves many risks, hazards and dangers, which may be greater in magnitude or different in nature than those I encounter on a daily basis.

I am willing to accept and fully bear the risks, crises and dangers and the personal injury, death, property damage or loss that may be caused by risks, crises and dangers. Waive any and all claims, legal actions, recovery of fees, recovery of expenses and demands that I may have against 


I acknowledge and agree that 

FUNPEAK ADVENTURE shall not be liable for (but not limited to): any personal loss or injury; any direct or indirect resulting loss (whether bodily injury or death or property damage). I am solely responsible for the safety of the belongings I bring, and 

FUNPEAK ADVENTURE  or any related coaches or staff will not be responsible for any damage or theft that occurs before, after or during the activity.

If any equipment, apparatus, fixture or other property at the activity is damaged or destroyed (other than normal wear and tear), stolen or removed due to my negligence, I will pay the cost of repairing, restoring or repurchasing such items.

The coach and the organizer have the right to change the route of the event due to weather conditions, the personal ability of the participants or the arrangement of the venue. Safety is the first priority. Therefore, the organizer and the coach reserve the right to change the route of the event without prior notice. Compensation or compensation of any kind shall not be retroactive therefor.

FUNPEAK ADVENTURE does not offer refunds for any reason. Activities that cannot be organized will be rescheduled. Activities canceled due to bad weather or other force majeure factors will also be postponed, but no refunds will be provided in all cases.

I agree and allow 

FUNPEAK ADVENTURE to take photos or videos during the itinerary/courses for recording and publicity purposes, and publish them in different forms without receiving any remuneration. My personal data and portraits can be used without my separate consent , name and voice line are used for organizing and promoting activities, including my portrait and name may be used in the website, short video and promotional publications of the organizer's relevant activities. The organizer has the absolute right to use the videos, images and records of any event.

I agree to follow 

FUNPEAK ADVENTURE's guidelines and instructions prior to and during the activity/course.

I have read and agree to the above waiver and disclaimer, rules, all terms and conditions.
Cancel without any refunds
Please input date


* 參加香港九大石澗之一的屏南石澗激流溪降之旅,在史詩式的美景中踏上難忘的冒險之旅
* 在石澗中體驗沿繩下降、跳潭、滑水、飛索等活動體驗
* 垂降或飛索白簾瀑布-草群瀑,感受户外運動的刺激
* 從高達10米的山崖跳入水中,挑戰自己的膽量
* 全程由專業教練帶領陪同,教導參加者溪降技巧、安全裝備使用、繩索處理,安全又放心
