27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 1 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 2 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 3 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 4 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 5 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 6 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 7 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 8 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 9 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 10 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 11 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 12 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 13 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 14 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 15 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 16 27739 [早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發! 17

[早鳥$780/位] 夏日遊艇Party一日團| 1日3餐| 無限暢飲| 逄周末出發!

  • New
  • instant Instant Booking Instant Confirm
  • Earliest Available Date: 2028-03-04

Booking Info

  • No cancellation, refund, change of embarkation pier, order date and service details.
  • Please arrive 10 to 15 minutes earlier for registration, and contact the Vessel owner when you arrived.
  • Please do not bring along any valuables with you. You should take care of your own properties. Our company is not responsible for any damages or loss. Please seek for police's help if needed.
  • You shall be responsible to meet the cost of repairing any damage caused to the yacht, and of repairing or reinstating or replacing any its parts damaged or destroyed (fair wear and tear excepted), stolen or removed during the use of the yacht.
  • There will be a possibility of another boat joining.
  • Boat type is subject to change. Pictures are for reference only. 
  • If black rainstorm signal or typhoon signal no. 3 is issued 2 hours before departure, the event will be rescheduled due to safety reasons 
  • If other special warnings such as amber or red rainstorm signal are issued, the event will be carried out as scheduled. If you fail to show up on that day, your ticket(s) will be voided. And under no circumstances the ticket(s) will be refunded. 
  • If the event cannot be carried out as scheduled due to other factors, customers can request for a reschedule. We reserve all rights to adjust the events. 
Cancel without any refunds
There is no available date currently
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係唔係好掛住一邊嘆住燦爛陽光,一邊享受清新海風,同朋友一齊玩水去船P嘅感覺呢? 不過又嗌唔到20-30個朋友陪你包船? 又想可以認識吓新朋友,增加社交圈? 


● 每位只需880/位 (六, 日及公眾假期)
● 提供1日3餐 - 早餐、精緻自助午餐及下午茶
● 提供自助cocktail Bar| 紅白汽酒| 啤酒| 汽水

● 每位參加者只要Like & follow @Holimood Instagram, 打卡Tag @holimood, 就可以贈送New classy太陽眼鏡一副
● 打卡100分巨型充氣獨角獸浮島
● 可免費使用船上娛樂及設施,音響及冷氣等設備
上船碼頭:中環10號碼頭 (10:30pm 上船, 05:00pm下船)或 尖沙咀公眾碼頭 3/4號梯台 (10:50pm, 5:30pm下船), *逾時不侯, 不設退款
● 船款:遊艇SL02 (或類似船隻, 請參考相片)
● 門票數量有限, 售完即止



