Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 1 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 2 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 3 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 4 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 5 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 6 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 7 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 8 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 9 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 10 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 11 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 12 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 13 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 14 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 15 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 16 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 17 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 18 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 19 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 20 Holimood Int'l Thailand [Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter 21

[Included Hotel transfer] Must try!Sunseeker Manhattan 64| Pattaya Super Chill One-Day Boat Charter

  • New
  • Confirm In 24 Hours
  • Earliest Available Date: 2027-04-25

Booking Info


Included in the price:

Yacht charter fee, all diesel and gasoline fuel, trained professional captain, sailors and fluent English speaking steward, food and drinks and salary for crew. Snorkeling and fishing equipment.

Excluded in the price:

Thailand 7% VAT, Guest Pass (HK$80/person), meals, beverages and any additional activities.

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喺香港出海船P可能大家都試過,但喺芭堤雅包船出海「Chill」返日,享受無盡的陽光,感受柔軟的沙灘,望住碧綠的海水,一齊去隱世島嶼、浮潛、釣魚... 比香港更優惠的費用,但享受無與倫比的海上出遊服務,您係唔係都好想試呢?

其實一行幾個朋友已經可以輕鬆包船喔!價用低至HK$13,000起,就可以包船一天,自選4/ 6/ 8小時。仲有當地知識豐富的專業船長,帶我地探索芭堤雅周邊大大小小的隱世島嶼。全程有受過專業培訓而且能精通中文、英文和泰文的船員和服務生招待,溝通一定無問題~我們更會提前安排專車接送服務,出發當日於酒店接送上車,安全又輕鬆地直達上船碼頭!

誠意推薦 - [奢華高規格 全新翻新| Sunseeker Manhattan 64豪華遊艇]
原價4小時 HK$35,000起 , 開關價HK$21,000起

- 設計如海上奢華公寓
- 寬敞的船艙、主臥、VIP 客艙
- 橡皮艇小船可以快速往返於島嶼海灘
- 航行速度是許多芭堤雅遊艇的兩倍
- 最多可容納 18 位客人


