Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 1 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 2 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 3 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 4 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 5 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 6 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 7 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 8 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 9 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 10 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 11 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 12 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 13 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 14 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 15 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 16 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 17 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 18 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 19 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 20 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 21 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 22 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 23 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 24 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 25 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 26 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 27 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 28 Young's Holidays - Diving Tours, Self-Drive Trips, Japan Campervans 【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人) 29

【自駕漫游名勝】廣島租借露營車24小時體驗 (5人)

Booking Info

  • 取車時可使用信用卡付租車按金為150,000日圓,還車當天供應商檢查車輛無問題後會在辦公時間內退回按金。
  • 露營車均有使用哩數限制,分別是:1500公里/5日、3000公里/10日、6000公里/20日、10000公里/30日,如超過以上限制將額外收取每公里50日圓額外費用
  • 露營車保險內容可參考:
  • 預訂露營車駕駛者時需提供以下的資料:駕駛者英文全名、出生日期、國際車牌號碼、國際車牌有效日期、國際車牌副本、護照副本。
  • 如有指定的驅動車型,請於預訂時申請,最終決定權一律取車時由供應商安排及提供。
  • 請攜帶個人梳洗用品 :例如:睡袋、拖鞋,毛巾,牙刷,牙膏,沐浴露,洗頭液,鬚刨,露營燈等用品。
  • 為了公共及個人安全,露營車內只可以烹煮食材簡易,如:煲飲用水或水煮等。如需要煮食重味道的食物或使用油煮食。必須如露營車外烹煮,‪敬請務必配合。
  • 客人需妥善清洗已使用廚具/設施,否則供應商有權收取清潔費。
  • 客人需自行處理廚餘及帶有油份的水份,不得於車內水槽倒入,否則供應商有權收取清潔費。
  • 露營車為禁煙車輛,不得於車內吸煙。
  • 租車費用已經出租車的使用費、衛星定位駕駛導航系統 (GPS) 、消費稅及保險。
  • 車內的衛星定位駕駛導航系統 (GPS) 提供日、英語音提示。
  • 以上租金不包括汽車燃油費,出租前車輛會把油箱加滿油,請客人還車時需加滿油再歸還,否則車公司將會收取有關費用。
  • 若出租車輛發生故障而不能行駛,請即致電取車 / 還車之店鋪尋求協助,租車公司不會補償因替換車輛而所損失的租車時間。
  • 旅客選擇車款時,除要留意乘客人數外,行李數目及大小亦須注意,請盡量預留空間供放置,以避免乘客過度擠迫。
  • 取車時,司機 ( 不限人數 ) 須提交有效之國際駕駛執照予租車公司影印存檔,取車前須確認出租車之外觀及機能有否損毀或異常、是否已注滿電油等。
  • 除租車費外,所有其他雜費 ( 如高速費,途中 / 酒店泊車費,油費,觀光地點的入場費等 ) 須自費。
  • 若有違例泊車及超速駕駛罰款事宜,租車公司將會於旅客還車時或事後作出追討。
  • 如發生交通事故未向警察報案 (沒有事故證明書),保險將不會受理,所有賠償要客人自行付款。
  • 若客人曾在當地違規駕駛事項(如不繳納違規停車、超速等罰款),將會影響日後租賃服務,如因此原因而於未能完成領車手續,所有支付的租車費用,本公司恕不退還。
  • 如露營車因交通事故、盜竊、故障、汙損等而需要維修/清潔,將會收取營業損失賠償(Non-Operation Charge,簡稱NOC)費用:如露營車通夠開回還車地點金額為150,000日圓、如不能夠開回還車地點金額為200,000日圓。其他相關維修或清潔費用可參考:
  • 小童(12歲以下)機票價格可與旅遊管家查詢。
  • 價錢以當日最低價格之機票、酒店及附加費計算,確實之費用或會因貨幣匯率及供應情況而有所變動,如費用因以上理由而有所更改,恕不另行通知
  • 旅遊產品一經確定, 所有內容不可更改, 所有巳繳款項則不接受任何退款
  • 因旅客未能在報名時提供旅遊証件給予本公司職員查閱,故旅客必須自行查閱並確保個人及同行者
    *已報名旅客之英文名字, 必須等同旅遊證件上英文名字
    *旅遊証件有效期以出發日期計算, 並須達6 個月以上
  • 為了令旅程更安心, 香港旅遊業議會建議出外旅遊購買1份旅遊保險以保障自己
  • 未能如期登機者,本公司概不接受任何退款要求
  • 以上圖片只供參考
  • 細則如有更改,恕不另行通知
Cancel without any refunds
Please input date


Service Type: Overseas
Service Time (From): 10:00
Service Time (To): 19:00


New Heights of Japan Travel - Are you interested in renting an RV and experiencing "modern Japanese nomadic culture" in Japan with your friends? With an international driver's license and a driver's passport, you can pick up and return the camper from many locations throughout Japan, such as Hokkaido, Tokyo, Kansai-Osaka, Okinawa, the Shikoku area, or the Japan airport. Start your Japan camping car tour by reserving various models or sizes of camper vans, such as Toyota caravans, at a special price on the Young's Holidays Japan caravan reservation website. These modern "nomads" can finally travel around in their camping car and find new horizons while being modern nomads.

*Please note that camping car rental is calculated per day, and you must pay for the first day of rental fee of booking the additional service.

🗒️Package Includes

  • 1 Day Caravan Experience
  • 1 Day Camper Economy Plan Waiver Insurance
  • Tax

📍Pickup/Return Location
Hiroshima JR station 3 minutes away

*Recommended Sleeping Capacity: 5 Adults + 2 Children

The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park still retains the original state after the atomic bombing. It is a precious building that conveys the tragic history of the atomic bombing to future generations

Comfortable bunk beds, easy access to stairs, and sufficient lighting from the windows on both sides

Since there is enough lighting in the car, for you who love to cook, enjoying the food and cooking process under the sun is also a great pleasure

🚐Additional Charge

Insurance Plan

Want to have fun and be at ease? You can upgrade to a better insurance plan with just a little extra purchase, adding more peace of mind to your journey!

Camping light 


Table and chair
HK$190(each set/day)

Children chair


RV Facilities

Back Up Camera And Screen
Car charger cigarette lighter
Drainage tank
ETC machine
Fresh water tank
Heater System
Power outlet
Pre-air-conditioning system
Snow tires
USB charging socket
side awning

RV Information

Camping Car Type
Fixed Bunk bed size
Fuel Capicity
No. of bedding
Roof bed size
Sofa bed size
Vehicle height
Vehicle length
Vehicle width
Vehicles displacement

camping supplies

Outdoor cooking gas stove
Rent ETC card
sleeping bag
